Гимн врачей-остеопатов в честь 15-его юбилея Института Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова

Мы в этот мир приходим не случайно,
Рождаемся в свой день и час,
Нас руки чьи-то нежные встречают
И мамы обнимают нас.
Проходят годы, путь мы выбираем,
Пусть даже этот путь тернист.
По жизни мы с улыбкою шагаем
Во всех вселяя оптимизм!

Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!

А город на Неве – Петра творенье,
Собрал нас под своим крылом.
Он дал нам Веру, дал нам Вдохновенье.
Открыл для нас наш Новый дом!
И много лет под парусом Ириды,
Идет вперед наш дружный класс.
Мы вместе – это значит мы едины!
Любовью мы спасаем вас!

Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!

Движенье – жизнь не забывай,
В беде всегда всем помогай,
Любовью все болезни побеждай!

© Игорь Браславский, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова


© Гузель Зарипова, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова

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Department of Osteopathy

We established the department of osteopathy for postgraduate training.

In 2010, the first Department of Osteopathy was launched by the V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine and the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University.

What distinguishes the Department from other national educational institutions and training centers?

  • Extensive material and technical database (educational and clinical).
  • Highly qualified teaching staff with a rich teaching and practical experience.
  • Teaching staff of the Department has 4 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 3 Candidates of Medical Sciences.
  • Flexible schedules and training schemes (unique original programs, educative seminars and workshops, distance learning) ensuring all the necessary official documents.
  • Teaching is conducted with the involvement of leading specialists of national and foreign universities.

The Department scientific research is aimed at:

  • Development of new diagnostic, preventive and curative and regenerative technologies using therapeutic physical factors, exercises, traditional therapy factors, as well as osteopathy focusing on active maintaining and restoring of health.
  • Advancement of basic rehabilitation programs and an algorithm for their individual adaptation to various cohorts of the population (young children, schoolchildren, working population, retired people) and specialists in different professional groups (athletes, mainly manual and mental workers, etc.).
  • Evidence of the efficiency criteria of restorative treatment with the use of the osteopathic method and their introduction into the practice of restorative medicine.
  • Underpinning and development of the best rehabilitation programs for patients with somatic dysfunctions.
  • Creation of a standard database of indicators for osteopathic diagnosis, characterizing the functional state of a healthy subject.
  • Feasibility of the set of osteopathic indicators and typical schemes of osteopathic diagnosis and restorative treatment in the leading forms of somatic dysfunctions.
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8 (812) 643-43-62
Ul. Fuchika, 4, building K, St. Petersburg