Мы в этот мир приходим не случайно,
Рождаемся в свой день и час,
Нас руки чьи-то нежные встречают
И мамы обнимают нас.
Проходят годы, путь мы выбираем,
Пусть даже этот путь тернист.
По жизни мы с улыбкою шагаем
Во всех вселяя оптимизм!
Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!
А город на Неве – Петра творенье,
Собрал нас под своим крылом.
Он дал нам Веру, дал нам Вдохновенье.
Открыл для нас наш Новый дом!
И много лет под парусом Ириды,
Идет вперед наш дружный класс.
Мы вместе – это значит мы едины!
Любовью мы спасаем вас!
Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!
Движенье – жизнь не забывай,
В беде всегда всем помогай,
Любовью все болезни побеждай!
© Игорь Браславский, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова
© Гузель Зарипова, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова
In 2000, under the auspices of St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education’s Rector (SPbMAPO), N.A. Belyakov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, RAMS academician and with the active assistance of Roger Caporossi (Higher School of Osteopathy of Paris and Université Libre d’Ostéopathie, France), the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine (IOM) was established in the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
Practitioners became the main teachers. Among them were graduated osteopaths, whose education met the standard of the higher osteopathic schools of Europe (ESO graduates, Paris) such as A.E. Chervotok, I.A. Egorova, D.E. Mokhov, K.V. Sharapov, as well as teachers of various departments of SPbMAPO and other St. Petersburg universities.
The educational work of the Institute was coordinated by the teachers of the Université Libre d’Ostéopathie, France (R. Caporossi, M. Bozzetto, M. Coquillat, J. Peyrouse, B. Autay, etc.). The teaching program at the Osteopathic Medicine Institute of SPbMAPO included 3,000 hours of training and corresponded to the European standard.
From June 22 to June 25, 2006, the International Conference in memory of Anne Welles and other founders of osteopathy was held in England. Representatives of osteopathic schools from across the globe attended the conference. The topics of the plenary reports and practical seminars covered current issues related to practical osteopathy and osteopathic philosophy (Bernard Darraillans, Bonnie Gintis, Sue Turner, Philippe Druelle, Gez Lamb, Karen Steele, Paul Chaffour, Nicholas Handell, Steve Paula, Michael Kuchera, Frank Willard and etc.) Recently, osteopathy has got the most active development in European countries, but according to V. Frymann, the futher center of advanced scientific and practical technologies in the field of osteopathy will move to Russia. A landmark event of the last day of the conference was the transition of Dr. A.T. Still’s walking stick, a symbol of honor and traditions of osteopathy, to the schools of Europe.
In 2006, the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, as a structure that meets international educational standards of osteopathic schools, was admitted to the International Osteopathic Alliance (OIA)www.oialliance.org and became a member of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (OSEAN) www.osean.com
On October 5-7, 2006, the OIA International Conference (International Osteopathic Alliance) and the General Meeting were held. Associate Professor I.A. Egorova represented the IOM at the Conference. The IOM became the OIA member, and it opened up new avenues and opportunities. At the same time, the 9th International Congress of the German Osteopathic Association (VOD) was held in Schlangenbad, Germany, and then concurrently with the OIA events, the Third International Symposium on scientific achievements in osteopathic research was conducted. I.A. Egorova introduced the report titled Somatic Dysfunction in Young Children. According to the results of the International Jury, the President of the European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO) Armand Gersanois presented I.A. Egorova with the first award for her study.
Since September 2007, the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine has started cooperation with Higher Institute of Osteopathy, Lyon, under the agreement, and since June 2010 it has launched the cooperation with Paris Higher Institute of Osteopathy (Institut Supérieur d’Ostéopathie, ISO, paris-osteopathie.com): joint teaching, International conferences, and symposiums are carried out, scientific research is conducted, ISO representatives annually take part in final examinations as international experts.
In November 2007, the Congress on Osteopathic Pediatrics was held in Berlin. Representatives from many countries attended the Congress. The world leading osteopaths delivered speeches and conducted practical seminars: Viola Frymann (USA), Bruno Ducoux (France), Torsten Liem (Germany), Michel Odent (France) , Jean-Pierre Relier (France), Maxwell Fraval (France), Andrew Maddick (England) and others. The Head of the IOM I.A. Egorova also delivered a report and held a practical seminar on osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of clinical manifestations in young children.
In 2008, following the complicated and ambiguous transformations in the SPbMAPO directorship, the full teaching staff of the IOM withdrew from its membership and became an independent organization. During the development and advancement of training in the IOM, a program of occupational retraining in osteopathy for physicians was designed and implemented, treatment and recovery technologies methodology and efficacy criteria of osteopathic treatment were proved. At present, the IOM is an independent organization with a team of highly qualified teachers who have extensive experience in theoretical training and sharing of practical skills.
OsEAN (European Osteopathic Academic Network) is the most important international structure in the field of education, which produces extremely stringent standards for osteopathy, the profession of a "first contact”, and requires the highest qualification. OsEAN schools seek to cooperate with universities to ensure the highest quality of osteopathic education. The Master's Degree is considered as the academic equivalent of the achieved level of knowledge and skills. According to the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, the curriculum development emphasizes the results and competencies of graduates.
European Osteopathic Academic Network
In 2010, the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine and Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University established the first Department of Restorative Medicine and Osteopathy in Russia. Now it is called the Department of Osteopathy for Postgraduate Training of physicians.
In September 2010, I. Egorova, IOM St. Petersburg, and G. Vanneau and P. Guillaume, ISO Paris, signed the agreement on cooperation in education and scientific research.
Within the cooperation, international conferences, symposiums, and scientific research are held. ISO teachers annually participate in the final examination at the IOM as international examiners, as well as carry out postgraduate seminars for osteopaths.
On November 13, 2013, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, and IOM Professor V.L. Andrianov passed away. His family entrusted us with the right to name the Institute after this outstanding SCIENTIST as the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine named after Vladimir Leonidovich Andrianov.
Since the IOM foundation till present, the IOM teachers have trained 254 credited osteopathic physicians practicing both nationally and internationally. Over 400 scientific works have been published, 5 PhD (approved by the Stare Comission for Academic Degrees and Titles) and 4 DO dissertations have been defended; 9 patents of the Russian Federation have been issued. IOM teachers have been involved in more than 72 research and training conferences, while 16 of them are at the international level. 35 workshops were held both hationally and internationally. 15 postgraduate seminars were held abroad both for teachers and the IOM graduates (Mont-Saint-Michel, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris, Vienna, Rome, Kirksville, Tenerife). 107 international postgraduate seminars were held. 4 books on osteopathy and 26 textbooks have been published; books of P. Tricot, P.M. Gagey, and A. Auberville have been translated.
С 25 по 27 апреля 2019 года в Санкт-Петербурге и Великом Новгороде в шестой раз состоялась международная конференция «ОСТЕОПАТИЯ И БЕЛЫЕ НОЧИ», посвященная 90-летию со дня рождения Владимира Леонидовича Андрианова. На конференции присутствовало 165 участников из России, Франции, Сербии, Болгарии, Белоруссии и Украины.
На пленарном заседании конференции и практических мастер-классах были раскрыты актуальные проблемы остеопатии, основные перспективы её дальнейшего развития и особенности практического применения навыков остеопатической диагностики и лечения применительно к сохранению здоровья и качества жизни населения.
В конференции приняли участие ведущие специалисты разных стран: П. Гийом, А. Метра, А. Обервиль, Ф. Аллар, П.-М. Гаже, Ж.-П. Дессан, И.А. Егорова, А.Е. Червоток, А.Д. Бучнов, Е.Р. Зинкевич, Т.И. Ионова, Л.А. Ласовецкая, В.И. Усачёв, Т.А. Лопушанская, Д.Г. Рутенбург, П.Е. Печорин, О.А. Кулага, А.Ю. Крившенко.