Гимн врачей-остеопатов в честь 15-его юбилея Института Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова

Мы в этот мир приходим не случайно,
Рождаемся в свой день и час,
Нас руки чьи-то нежные встречают
И мамы обнимают нас.
Проходят годы, путь мы выбираем,
Пусть даже этот путь тернист.
По жизни мы с улыбкою шагаем
Во всех вселяя оптимизм!

Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!

А город на Неве – Петра творенье,
Собрал нас под своим крылом.
Он дал нам Веру, дал нам Вдохновенье.
Открыл для нас наш Новый дом!
И много лет под парусом Ириды,
Идет вперед наш дружный класс.
Мы вместе – это значит мы едины!
Любовью мы спасаем вас!

Мы дали клятву Гиппократа,
Не навредить, а исцелить.
Наш долг врачей-остеопатов
Руками счастье приносить!

Движенье – жизнь не забывай,
В беде всегда всем помогай,
Любовью все болезни побеждай!

© Игорь Браславский, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова


© Гузель Зарипова, 2015
© Институт Остеопатической Медицины им. В.Л. Андрианова

News Reviews Sign up for a seminar

International Conference

12 December 2022


Current Aspects of Osteopathy

Held by:

- Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod, Russia);

- V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine (St. Petersburg, Russia).


A hybrid (offline and online) scientific and practical international conference on current challenges of osteopathy, as well as scientific and methodological features of their solution in relation to interdisciplinary aspects of the development of medicine is held

on December 12, 2022, from 10.00AM to 4:00PM.

Offline venue of the conference:

- Derzhavina st., 6, Veliky Novgorod (Institute of Medical Education of Novgorod State University);

- Fuchika st., 4, buiding K, St. Petersburg (V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine).

Online participation in Zoom videoconference (conference ID and access code will be provided after registration).

Registration for participants: https://forms.gle/ZbuKupC4WqJ8y1Q58


Conference program:


Conference opening

Viktor Weber, RAS Academician; MD; Professor; Institute of Medical Education of Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University Director, Russia

Gilles Vanneau, Higher Institute of Osteopathy Director, Paris, France


Irina Egorova,  Head of Department of Osteopathy, Yaroslav-the-Wise State Novgorod University Director; V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Russia

Actual Aspects of Osteopathy


Andrey Chervotok, Deputy Head of Department of Osteopathy, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University;

Deputy Teaching Director of V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Russia.

Biomechanical Prerequisites for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. Therapeutic Osteopathic Tactics


André Metra, EFAC Director (School of Anatomical and Clinical Indicators Assessment); Head of teaching visceral osteopathy at the Higher Institute of Osteopathy, Paris France.

Visceral Aspects of Diagnosis in Clinical Decision


Patrick Guillaume, Higher Institute of Osteopathy Director, Paris, France.

Role of Postural Examination in Clinical Osteopathic Diagnosis


Razaul Manzhugetova, PhD, assistant of V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine Branch, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment of Converging Partial Accommodation Strabismus in Children


Asem Lakbaeva, assistant of V. Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine Branch, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Osteopathic Treatment in Rehabilitation of Children with Chronic Adenoiditis After Adenoidectomy

Break 13.00PM-14.00PM


Elena Zinkevich, coordinator for continuous pedagogical education at V. Andrianov IOM; Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology with biomedical disciplines and pedagogy courses, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University; Associate Professor, Russia.

Modern Didactic Approaches to Teaching Osteopathy at IOM and NovSU


Artyom Dupin, assistant of the Department of Osteopathy, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University; V. Andrianov IOM teacher, Russia.

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Osteopathic Correction of Tear Production Disorders as Part of the Complex Therapy of Mild Dry Eye Syndrome


Natalya Blagadir, assistant of V. Andrianov IOM branch, Russia.

Effectiveness of Osteopathic Treatment of Children Aged 3-6 with Dyslalia and Malocclusion


Korotaevsky Evgeny, V. Andrianov's IOM, Russia.
Relationship Between Orthodontic and Osteopathic Status and Stabilometry Indicators in Adult Population of the Far North


Conference closing

Summary Conference. Questions and Answers. Discussion


Seminars by Doctors of Osteopathy (or DOs)

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8 (812) 643-43-62
Ul. Fuchika, 4, building K, St. Petersburg